The RockMakers pinball machine from Bally dates back to the 60s and is about a fantastic theme. The playing surface and the baking glass are designed to match it. The designer of the pinball machine was Ted Zale. The design of the back glass is especially crazy with this pinball machine, the artistic design was done by Jerry Kelly. The pinball machine can be played with up to four people. On the playing surface there are three pinball fingers, two of which are zipper pinballs. Furthermore there are three pop bumpers, three mushroom bumpers and three slingshots on the playing surface. On the lower half of the playing surface there is an arch of mini rollovers. These show the writing: R-O-C-K-M-A-K-E-R-S. A skillful player who plays the ball into the perfect track can hit the entire bow and thus collect many points.