The Alien Poker pinball machine from 1980 was a successful pinball machine from Williams. Especially during this period the company Bally dominated the market. It was the era of aliens and spaceships, which explains the success of pinball. For those who never get enough of aliens and other galaxies, this device is just right.
In the year 2080 you are on another star, millions of light years away and play a game of poker against three human-like aliens. Your goal is: Gain control over the universe!
Through different targets and locks you collect your cards.
The design of the playing surface cleverly combines the classic symbols and cards of a poker deck with the look of another galaxy and its inhabitants. On the four bumpers are the symbols heart, cross, spade and diamonds. The pinball machine has a third pinball finger.
Venture to the poker table and gain control of the universe with your hand.