Student Prince Flipper
Student Prince Flipper
Student Prince Flipper
Student Prince Flipper
Student Prince Flipper
Student Prince Flipper
Student Prince Flipper

Student Prince Flipper

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VAT not reportable plus shipping costs

Delivery time: 2-4 months

The 1968 student Prince Flipper by Williams is based on the American operetta of the same name. The operetta celebrated its premiere in New York in December 1924. The plot tells of the fictitious heir to the throne Karl Franz from the operetta state of Karlsberg. During his studies in Heidelberg, he learns about freedom and falls in love with the innkeeper's daughter Kathie. The love leads to complications and is sacrificed for the sake of the state at the end. The final duet of the operetta has been recomposed again and again over many years, even Britney Spears devoted herself to this song.

The pinball machine can be played with up to four people. There are four bumpers and numerous targets. The design is colorful and shows the main characters of the story.